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홍콩 입국금지 3개월 연장 ㅠ Hong Kong Bans Visitors For Additional Three Months 본문


홍콩 입국금지 3개월 연장 ㅠ Hong Kong Bans Visitors For Additional Three Months

koosoo 2020. 6. 2. 23:20

홍콩 입국금지 3개월 연장 ㅠ 

홍콩 시티즌/ PR/중국/대만 국적을 제외하고는 Visitor 들은 3개월간 더 연장되었다.

Hong Kong Bans Visitors For Additional Three Months

(Through September 2020)

Hong Kong Health Secretary today announced that the ban on non-resident arrivals would be extended by an additional three months (would be through September).

Hong Kong SAR citizens and permanent residents + Mainland China & Taiwan can arrive but must go through the Covid-19 test at the airport and then quarantine for 14-days.



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지금은 그림의 떡이지만, 다음 홍콩방문시 유용하게 찾아 볼수있을것 같다.


빨리 홍콩도 안정되어 개방이 되었으면 좋겠다.



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