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네덜란드 국경오픈 6월15일 EU국가 본문


네덜란드 국경오픈 6월15일 EU국가

koosoo 2020. 6. 9. 16:55

네덜란드 국경오픈 6월15일 EU국가

코로나의 확산이 수그러든 네덜란드가 6월15일부터 여행객을 받겠다고 한다. 괜찮을까?

물론 아직 확산세가 있는 영국/스웨덴을 제외하고 나머지 EU 그리고 셍겐국가들에만 적용되는것이고,

아시아/우리나라에서의 입국은 아직 열지 않는다고 발표했다.

유럽은 언제쯤 하늘길이 열릴까?

Netherlands Begins Welcoming Tourists From June 15, 2020

The Netherlands on Wednesday published a list of countries where it will welcome tourists this summer and where Dutch should vacation themselves.

Twelve nationals are welcomed from June 15, sixteen between June 15 and July 5, and British, Swedes, and Danes will have to wait for their turn at some later point. The country stays closed for non-European arrivals, including those from the UK. Dutch should only vacation within the EU.

Tourists from outside the EU

The Schengen area (which the Netherlands is part of) and the United Kingdom have closed their external borders to people from outside the EU except for essential travel. This travel ban applies up to and including 15 June 2020. If you are coming from a country outside the EU, you cannot travel to the Netherlands on holiday. This ban also applies up to and including 15 June 2020.



Holidays to the Netherlands and coronavirus measures

Tourists from EU or Schengen area countries can holiday in the Netherlands. But they must follow Dutch advice and rules to combat COVID-19.


